

All information on this website is copyright protected. The downloading and printing of individual pages and/or parts shall only be permitted if this is covered by the purpose for which it is provided. Copyright notes may not be removed or altered. Any duplication, transfer or processing outside the narrow context of copyright law without prior written approval from the author shall be prohibited.



DLT shall, to the best of its ability, endeavour to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information presented. DLT cannot accept any liability for losses or damage of any kind directly or indirectly connected with access to the use of the service or any request on these websites or any link to any other websites.

The activation of certain links may lead to the user leaving the DLT websites. DLT has examined the links and the contents of the links but cannot repeat this on a daily basis and shall not therefore accept any liability either for their technical quality nor their contents, particularly the products, services and any other items offered there.


Data protection

As far as you have provided us with personal data, we shall only use this to respond to your requests, to conclude agreements made with you and for technical administration.